05-08-2021, 07:17 PM
New start and how the hell is a person supposed to grow tomatoes when the temperature keeps dropping below 50F? I've already lost one crop, if you can call three plants a crop. They were looking fine, then came a frost, and the next day there were three brown spots. The garlic is flourishing, but it takes effort to ruin garlic, as is the thyme, rosemary, sage, and chives. The basil and parsley, however . . ..
The peppers are a mixed bag, so far. The habanero was hit hard, but is still there, unlike the jalapeno which disappeared with no trace it ever existed. The other peppers seem to be doing fine, so far.
The peppers are a mixed bag, so far. The habanero was hit hard, but is still there, unlike the jalapeno which disappeared with no trace it ever existed. The other peppers seem to be doing fine, so far.
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