04-14-2014, 06:20 PM
So we've been futzing around with trying to grow some stuff in a small raised garden for a few years, and by futzing I mean I'd drop a few seeds into the soil and occasionally I'd look out the window and see that the leaves sticking up through the weeds are looking rather brown, so I'd turn the hose on. That futzing also applied to the compost bins which would collect kitchen waste and a weekly bag of lawn clippings, which would settle down enough to make room for another bag of lawn clippings the next week. But otherwise, the bins were ignored. No balancing of carbon to nitrogen, no turning, etc. I was in no hurry to get the compost so I let the anaerobic do the work.
But now I'm serious about it. So what happens? So far, nothing as it should. The compost isn't composting; my three week radishes are on week 5 with no sign of improvement; the leeks appear to be a loss, and I was really looking forward to leeks; the Summer Savory plant that I put in the herb garden went straight to wilt; the cauliflower appears to have seen its shadow and decided that life's better underground with the voles. (Goddamit dog! You're already digging around, how about digging with a purpose and get rid of them.)
But on the bright side, there's no shortage of urine.
But now I'm serious about it. So what happens? So far, nothing as it should. The compost isn't composting; my three week radishes are on week 5 with no sign of improvement; the leeks appear to be a loss, and I was really looking forward to leeks; the Summer Savory plant that I put in the herb garden went straight to wilt; the cauliflower appears to have seen its shadow and decided that life's better underground with the voles. (Goddamit dog! You're already digging around, how about digging with a purpose and get rid of them.)
But on the bright side, there's no shortage of urine.
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